Tuesday, December 31, 2013

CapeDwarf, GAE and the Raspberry Pi

This Christmas I decided to take a look at turning my collection of Raspberry Pi's into a private Cloud. I had two options: OpenShift Origins or CapeDwarf. I decided to go with CapeDwarf since it runs on OpenShift as well.

I started with the latest v1 of CapeDwarf which requires JBossAS 7.2, with the intention to build everything from scratch. However, there were some issues due to the migration of AS7 to WildFly as well as with that version of CapeDwarf, so after talking with the team I decided to wait until they released the 2.0.0.Beta1 version just after Christmas.

I may still try and build everything from scratch at some point, but to save time I decided to go with the pre-build binary distribution and verify that it worked on the Pi. Before we start, make sure you have the right version of maven installed (3 onwards):

This isn't right, so let's update maven (sudo apt-get install maven git). And obviously ensure you've got a version of JDK 7 installed (this is the page I refer to when updating). Next download the pre-built Beta 6. Try running that (don't forget to set JBOSS_HOME):

And eventually 

It's always nice to see WildFly start, unmodified, on a Raspberry Pi :-) You can test this WildFly deployment by going to the management console (port 9990). I installed the Lynx browser on my Pi so I could test locally (it's a headless instance). Lynx takes a bit of getting used to, but:

Validating your CapeDwarf installation isn't as simple as it could be at the moment, but I know the team are going to look into this along with a worked example. So for now we'll follow the instructions on the github repo and check out capedwarf-shared and capedwarf-blue. Build -shared first. Initially ...

mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=~/mavenrepo

However, it turns out that using ~ causes problems, so let's redo using an absolute path this time:

mvn clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/pi/mavenrepo

Next, we build -blue using the same local maven repo:

mvn -U clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/pi/mavenrepo

Now initially this kept failing after 30 minutes or so …

After some investigation it turns out this is due to name resolution within the Pi itself. Either ensure your Pi is registered in a DNS somewhere or edit /etc/hosts to set to the name of the Pi. Then rebuild.

And after an hour or so (the Pi isn't fast!):

And that's about it for now. We've got GAE (via CapeDwarf) up and running on a Pi, as well as verifying the installation. Next steps would be to build and deploy some applications, but that'll have to wait for now.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

HPTS 2013

Just back from a JCP-EC meeting, JavaOne and HPTS. Whilst I enjoyed them all, HPTS has to be my favourite. Unfortunately this year its schedule conflicted with JavaOne so I wasn't able to attend either event fully. But even just the 3 days that I was at HPTS were well worth the trip: it's a great workshop where you get the chance to meet people from all areas of our industry and talk without fear of confidentiality. "What's said at HPTS stays at HPTS".

I had the privilege of presenting again this year, on the topic of transactions, NoSQL and Big Data. I was also chairing a session immediately afterwards on a range of topics including hardware transactional memory. Overall the sessions are great, but it's the dinner and drink discussions that are the real value around the workshop. And it's a great chance to catch up with friends I tend to only see once every two years!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Your smartphone evolving?

I've been using a combination of smartphones over the past few years from a range of vendors and a range of operating systems. Problems I've had with all of them as well as the recent move by Ubuntu, have got me thinking: What do people want to do with their pads? Playing games is fine, but even then wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to code for each platform (iOS, Android, XBox, PS3 ...)? We've spent a lot of years working on productivity software, such as Word, Powerpoint, Eclipse etc. and today the equivalents for pads are woefully inadequate. Of course we are unlikely to have to wait as long for them to improve on pads as they did on PCs, but it's still a waste of time and energy! And running services off the device is not only a waste of compute power/bandwidth, it assumes the network is always present, which it often isn't.

I hate to admit this, but maybe Microsoft have it right in a way with the Surface running almost a stock version of Windows so that the same applications that run on the laptop/desktop can run on their pad, and vice versa. Now maybe Apple will eventually do the same thing with iOS, but Android doesn't provide a migration path from or to the desktop. In the end this may well be a significant limiting factor for Android and one which Google will find very hard to get around, without perhaps adopting standard Java.

Of course applications need to be aware of the environment on which they run so they can take advantage of the form factor, network connectivity etc. There may well be applications that simply do not, or should not, be expected to work on the complete range of deployment environments (phone, pad, laptop, desktop etc.) But are they the exception or the norm? I believe they are the exception: most of the applications that run on my laptop are ones I'd like to run on the pad; most of the things I do on my pad I'd like the option of doing on my laptop or phone, particularly now it has a 5" screen.

What does this mean for the "open source" pad and phone market? I believe that unless Android actually allows for a wider variety of un-modified Linux-based applications to run on it, then it risks becoming marginalised. OK, this may be a strange thing to discuss when all we hear on an almost weekly basis is that Android market share is growing, but look at Apple in the 1980's before Windows came along. In fact Android's biggest threat could well come from the pure Linux pads/phones that we are beginning to see enter the market: the pads and phones can run stock Java and if Android is a requirement then there's always virtualisation. I think that the platform that has the best chance of winning (adoption/relevancy) is the one which most closely matches the OS that we use on our desktops.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

CloudCom 2013

I'm on the PC.

Call for Papers

The “Cloud” is a natural evolution of distributed computing and of the widespread adaption of virtualization and SOA. In Cloud Computing, IT-related capabilities and resources are provided as services, via the Internet and on-demand, accessible without requiring detailed knowledge of the underlying technology. The IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, steered by the Cloud Computing Association, aim to bring together researchers who work on cloud computing and related technologies.

Manuscripts need to be prepared according to IEEE CS format. For regular papers, the page limit will be 8 pages. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to present in a plenary session.

Manuscripts need to be prepared according to the IEEE CS format (Format Link)

For regular papers, the page limit will be 8 pages. (submission deadline: August 7)
(If the paper is accepted as a short paper, the page limit for final camera ready will be 6 pages.)

For workshops and the Ph.D. consortium, the page limit will be 6 pages. (submission deadline: August 7)

For poster and demo papers, the page limit will be 4 pages. (submission deadline: August 7)

The IEEE CloudCom 2013 submission site is: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeecloudcom2013

All accepted papers will be published by IEEE CS Press (IEEE Xplore) and indexed by EI and ISSN.

IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC: http://computer.org/TCC) is organising a Special Issue which encourages submission of revised and extended versions of 2-3 best/top rated papers in the area of Cloud Computing from our conference. The special issue also seeks direct submission of papers that present 'new' ideas for the first time in TCC. All papers will be peer-reviewed and selected competitively based on their originality and merit as per requirement of TCC. All queries on this special issue should be directed to its guest editors. Details on this special issue will be informed about in a separate Call for Papers at:

Topics include but are not limited to:

Cloud Services models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
Cloud services reference models and standardisation
Intercloud architecture models
Cloud federation and hybrid cloud infrastructure
Cloud services provisioning and management
Cloud services delivery models, campus integration and “last mile” issues
Networking technologies for data centers, intracloud and interclouds
Cloud powered services design
Programming models and systems/tools
Cloud system design with FPGA, GPU, APU
Monitoring, management and maintenance
Operational, economic and business models
Green data centers
Business processes, compliance and certification
Dynamic resource provisioning

Big Data:
Machine learning
Data mining
Approximate and scalable statistical methods
Graph algorithms
Querying and search
Data Lifecycle Management for Big Data (sources, cleansing, federation, preservation, privacy, etc.)
Frameworks, tools and their composition
Storage and analytic architectures
Performance and debugging
Hardware optimizations for Big Data (multi-core, GPU, networking, etc.)
Data Flow management and scheduling

Security and Privacy:
Audit in clouds
Authentication and authorization
Cloud integrity and binding issues
Cryptography for/ in the cloud
Hypervisor security
Identity/ Security as a Service
Prevention of data loss or leakage
Secure, interoperable identity in the Cloud
Security and privacy in clouds
Trust and credential management
Trusted Computing in Cloud Computing
Usability and security

Services and Applications:
Security services on the Cloud
Data management applications and services on the Cloud
Scheduling and application workflows on the Cloud
Cloud application benchmarks
Cloud-based services and protocols
Cloud model and framework
Cloud-based storage and file systems
Cloud scalability and performance
Fault-tolerance of cloud services and applications
Application development and debugging tools
Business models and economics of Cloud services
Services for improving Cloud application availability
Use cases of Cloud applications

Server, storage, network virtualization
Resource monitoring
Virtual desktop
Resilience, fault tolerance
Modeling and performance evaluation
Security aspects
Enabling disaster recovery, job migration
Energy efficient issues

HPC on Cloud:
Load balancing for HPC clouds
Middleware framework for HPC clouds
Scalable scheduling for HPC clouds
HPC as a Service
Performance Modeling and Management
Programming models for HPC clouds
HPC cloud applications ; Use cases, experiences with HPC clouds
Cloud deployment systems for HPC clouds
GPU on the Cloud

IoT and Mobile on Cloud:
IoT cloud architectures, models
Cloud-based dynamic composition of IoT applications and services
Cloud-based context-aware IoT applications and services
Mobile cloud architectures and models
Green mobile cloud computing
Resource management in mobile cloud environments
Cloud support for mobility-aware networking and protocols
Multimedia applications in mobile cloud environments
Security, privacy and trust in mobile IoT clouds
Cloud-based mobile networks and applications, e.g., cloud-based mobile social networks, cloud-based vehicle networks, and cloud-based ehealthcare networks

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

WS-TX Technical Committee closes its doors ...

As Ian Robinson put it ...

"Per section 2.15 of the TC Process [1] "Closing a TC", the TC has decided by a full majority vote of the TC membership to close the WS-Tx Technical Committee. The TC successfully delivered 3 OASIS open standard specifications:

We delivered 2 versions of the standard, the most recent being V1.2 in 2009.

There are a number of mature implementations of these specifications and no outstanding issues being discussed by the TC.
In the early days of the TC we had many excellent discussions to tie down and deliver a tight set of specifications; we had some great face to face meetings in the US and Europe and developed some great working relationships which I think have (mostly) survived the duration of the TC.

Our work is done. Victory is declared. Thanks to everyone for making it both successful and enjoyable.

[1] https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process"

Friday, July 19, 2013


Went to see the World War Z movie yesterday. I'm a big fan of the book and was looking forward to the movie, even though I knew it was only loosely based on the book. I'm glad I read the book first though, because if I had seen the movie first I probably wouldn't have bothered reading it! What a disappointment: alright I understand that it may be difficult to translate 1-to-1 the book into a movie given how it's written (I won't give away any spoilers here), but there were so many missed opportunities by the makers of the movie to really create something fantastic. Whether or not you like the film, if you haven't read the book then I thoroughly recommend it!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gaming moving to the next phase

I've been talking about the impact of ubiquitous computing for a while now and specifically what this could mean for middleware. During at least one of the presentations I've given on the subject I've said that I think the way hardware and software are evolving means that the next generation of dedicated gaming consoles is likely to be the last generation of dedicated gaming consoles: hardware in phones and tablets today are at least as powerful as the PS3 and XBox 360 and many of the games you can run on your phone illustrate this quite nicely.

So it was interested that when I was at Google I/O last week to hear the announcement about Google Games. It was disappointing that the keynote demo didn't work out for them at the time, but that's always a possibility with live demonstrations. However, the concept is sound and I expect this to grow to a point where any Android device can participate in cooperative or competitive near real-time multi-player games. Now if only we can persuade Google that they don't need to reinvent the middleware components necessary to make this a reality.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Banks and ACID transactions

For the millionth time, I hate it when people exaggerate. (Yes, that's meant as humour!) But seriously, when you have a single point on a graph, you can make any line or curve you want fit it! In order to make true judgements, we need all of the facts. And as a scientist, I'm always on the lookout for experiments, experience, facts etc. that shoot holes in existing theories, since that's how science advances.

Now why do I say all of the above? Because we have a prime example of people jumping to the wrong conclusion based on incomplete facts. Once again it's around ACID transactions, because apparently banks don't use them! I'm sure that'll come as a surprise to many of my banking friends and colleagues, but it has to be true because they're not used in ATMs (in some countries). Based on this one fact (which I'm sure it correct in some circumstances/locales), it seems that all bank transactions are BASE and not ACID. I've discussed ACID, BASE and CAP before, so I won't go into details. However, it seems that this meme has been picked up by a lot of people:

Therefore, I just wanted to make sure everyone understood that there's a lot more to banking than ATM machines. ACID transactions are a backbone of a lot of what goes on throughout the financial services sector. Of course there are areas where ACID transactions aren't needed and shouldn't be used. I've said as much myself over the years. With all of the work we've been involved with around extended (non-ACID) transactions, that should be obvious.

So I do not have an issue with someone suggesting that ACID is not suitable for a specific use case. Where I do have a problem is when people jump to the conclusion that just because ACID isn't right for one use case it seems to mean it's not right for all use cases. That's like saying that atoms don't exist because you can't see them with the naked eye!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

SRDC 2013

SRDC 2013

TransForm School on Research Directions in Distributed Computing


June 10-14, 2013

Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece



TransForm School on Research Directions in Distributed Computing aims at
the dissemination of advanced scientific knowledge in the general area
of distributed computing with emphasis on multi-core computing,
synchronization protocols, and transactional memory. A major goal of the school
is to explore new directions and approaches on hot topics of current research
in these areas (and more generally in distributed computing) and to promote
international contacts among scientists from academia and the industry.
Research work from all viewpoints, including theory, practice, and experimentation
can be presented at the school.

The school will include a series of talks by renowned researchers.
A list of the invited speakers is provided below (this list is expected
to be expanded in the future):

- Carole Delporte, Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (France)
- Shlomi Dolev, Ben Gurion University (Israel)
- Hugues Fauconnier, Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (France)
- Pascal Felber, University of Neuchatel (Switzerland)
- Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL (Switzerland)
- Maurice Herlihy, Brown University (USA)
- Anne-Marie Kermarrec, INRIA-Rennes Campus
- Petr Kuznetsov, TU Berlin/Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (Germany)
- Mark Little, Red Hat (UK)
- Maged Michael, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Centre (USA)
- Alessia Milani, University of Bordeaux (France)
- Eliot Moss, University of Massachusetts (USA)
- Michel Raynal, University of Rennes I (France)
- Eric Ruppert, University of York (Canada)
- Nir Shavit, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (USA)
- Assaf Schuster, Technion (Israel)
- Corentin Travers, University of Bordeaux (France)
- Pawel T. Wojciechowski, PoznaƄ University of Technology (Poland)

Abstract Submissions
PhD students or young researchers interested in presenting their work
should submit a 1-page abstract motivating the main research challenge
they are addressing and stating the approach being taken. A selection
of proposals will be chosen for presentation. Eah such presentation
will be of 15 minutes.

To submit a talk, please send an email to faturu AT csd DOT uoc DOT gr
by April 26, 2013. The subject of this e-mail should be of the following form:
": proposal for SRDC talk".
Every submission should be in English, in .ps or .pdf format, and
include the title, the names of the presenter and his/her collaborators
in the research work of interest, their affiliations, and a one page abstract
of the work. Students should also provide the name and contact information
of their advisors.

Abstracts will become available to participants electronically. Authors
will be given the option to upload their presentation on the school’s website.

Financial Support
TransForm will provide financial support to a number of researchers/students.
Those who intend to apply for financial support should send a 1 page application
(in addition to their talk proposal) which will provide a short description of their
travel expenses. Applications should be sent to faturu AT ics DOT forth DOT gr by April 26, 2013.

Important dates
Submission deadline: April 26, 2013
Notification: April 30, 2013
School Date: June 10-14, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Is Cloud the death of open source?

Over the last few years I've been hearing from various quarters that Cloud (specifically PaaS) doesn't need or work well with open source. At least what some of these people mean is that business models that have worked well for non-PaaS open source don't necessarily work for PaaS. I think the jury is still out on that one. However, if you look around at PaaS implementations out there, or even further up and down the stack to include IaaS and SaaS, it's clear that open source is playing a major role. Whether it's OpenShift, OpenStack. MySQL, Linux or a plethora of other components, it's hard to find environments that aren't built on open source in one way or another. (Excluding closed source companies, of course!)

Now why do I mention this? Because I'm just back from JUDCon Brazil and this topic of conversation came up with some of the attendees. In fact they were suggesting that several of the most significant waves in software over the past few years and into the next few years, are fuelled by the innovation within disparate open source communities. When you look at cloud, mobile, ubiquitous computing etc. it's hard to disagree!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Raspberry Pi and vert.x related cross-posting

I've been making progress on another Pi-related project. Since it also involves transactions, I posted it on the JBossTS blog, but wanted to cross-post here for those who may not track that blog separately.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Travelling is a PITA at times!

I spent pretty much all of the week before last in New York and Boston visiting many of our financial services customers. It's a great opportunity to hear what they like, what they don't like and work together to make things better. I'd do this much more often though if it didn't involve flying! It seems that every time I fly I end up getting ill; usually a cold or (man) flu. Unfortunately this time was no different and when I got home at the weekend I could feel something coming. Sure enough, it was a heavy cold and it laid me up for days (I'm still not recovered completely yet).

Then while I'm recovering I remember that I missed QCon London. I vaguely remember many months ago while planning that my trip conflicted with QCon, but it had slipped from my mind until last week. It's a shame, because I love the QCon events. However, what made this one worse was that I appear to have completely missed the fact that Barbara Liskov was presenting! It's been the best part of 20 years since I last saw Barbara, so it would have been good to hear her and try to catch up. Back in the 1980's I visited her group for a while due to the similarities between what they were doing around Argus, replication (both strong and gossip based) and transactions, and of course what we were doing in Arjuna. She was a great host and I remember that visit very fondly. Oh well, maybe in another 20 years we'll get a chance to meet up again!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Updating vert.x examples on the Pi

As I mentioned earlier, I've been repeating earlier experiments around running vert.x on a 256 Meg model B Raspberry Pi. I was working through all of the Java examples and didn't have time to go through them all again. But here's an update on the rest.

For a start, I should Fanout Server works, but again you may need to install a telnet client on your Pi, or run remotely. However, the HTTPS example failed (on Safar, Chrome and Firefox) and I remember this happened in December when I first did this work. I reported the problem to Tim and hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this eventually:

The Proxy example works too, but you need to remember that the Pi isn't an i7 multicore laptop, so just be patient:

PubSub is another example that often requires a little patience before trying to telnet, but the results are worth it:

The Upload example is relatively simple:

Route Match works too, but remember that the text in the example is wrong and the actual directory is route_match and not routematch!
Make sure you have your CLASSPATH set correctly before running the Resource Load example:

And I think that's it. As I mentioned before, if you have any problems reproducing any of this then let me know and I'm happy to try to help.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

More adventures in Pi land with vert.x

It seems that some people are seeing problems running vert.x on the Pi, so I decided to double check what I did over Christmas. I'm using the exact same configuration as the last time, so it's still the soft float implementation of Wheezy. If people still have difficulties duplicating what I'm seeing here then I'll try again with the hard float version.

So I worked my way through some of the vert.x Java examples only (I'll try the ones I missed at a later date). The thing to realise straight away is that if any of the examples tell you to point a browser, telnet or some other client at a running service then wait a while before doing so: the Pi isn't the speediest device on the block and sometimes it just takes that little bit longer to get going. Try running netstat in a different shell to see what ports have been created and bound as well:

Starting with EchoServer+Client (you may need to install a telnet client, or just connect from a different machine):

Through HTTP ...

And SendFile ...

SSL of course ...

... and a copy of top output to show the two instances running ...

It wouldn't be a good test of the capabilities of the Pi and vert.x without some WebSockets running, so here's what you should see upon success:

And finally Eventbus Bridge:

There were some failures. HTTPS for instance but I think this is a known problem and will investigate this further before posting anything. However, hopefully this is enough to be getting on with to show that it should be possible to run most (probably all) of the vert.x Java examples on a Raspberry Pi.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Move to e-books

Anyone who has known me long enough will know that I love books. Whether it's fiction or fact based, I love the physical medium that books provide. New books have a great smell and crispness about them. Old books often encapsulate their history within their very pages, whether in the form of turned pages, broken spines (something I hate!), stains or something else entirely. And if you return to an old book that you haven't read for years, these imperfections can often stir memories of times past, offering additional value than just reading the text (my copy of To Kill A Mockingbird is just such a book and each time I read it it's like seeing an old friend again.)

Over the years I've collected hundreds of books, ranging from fantasy, science fiction, classics and of course work related. And rarely have I discarded a book. So as I grew up it became harder and harder to get them all out of the boxes in which they often ended up. Then I met my wife who has just as much a passion for books as well as being a collector too. So something had to give.

Several years ago I converted an old HP Jornada to an ebook reader for her and she took to it. The convenience of the form factor, the ability to store hundreds of books on flash memory and the fact that she could get books instantly, sold it to her. I, however, remained unconvinced. The price difference between the physical copy and the electronic copy annoyed me and still does. And I still love the tactile aspect of a real book. Then my wife upgraded to a Sony reader with e-ink and she really fell in love with the format. Though she still buys physical copies of select books, the vast majority of the books she gets today are e-books.

Throughout this I have remained resolutely against moving. As I said, I love the old style format and don't think e-books are the same, no matter how good the technology gets. However, it is the reality of family life coupled with the masses of books we possess that is pushing me towards the electronic versions, at least in a limited way. I'm going to give it a go for selected books: those for which I won't necessarily build emotional ties. But I reserve the right to be disappointed in losing something in the transition and I may go back eventually. Finally, I find it interesting that given my background in computing and adoption of new technologies, I can't get over the hurdle of migrating to e-books. Maybe this is similar to the vinyl versus CD debate of two decades ago?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Nice posting about Colossus and Brian

Brian's been a permanent part of Newcastle University for as long as I can recall, so it's nice to see this write-up on some of the things he's done over the years.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

HPTS 2013 CfP

15th International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS)
September 22-25, 2013
Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA

Every two years, HPTS brings together a lively and opinionated group of participants to discuss and debate the pressing topics that affect today's systems and their design and implementation, especially where scalability is concerned. The workshop includes position paper presentations, panels, moderated discussions, and significant time for casual interaction. And of course beer.

Since its inception in 1985, HPTS has always been about large scale. Over the years the focus has shifted from scalable transaction processing to very large databases to cloud computing. Today, scalability is about big data. What interesting but out-of-the-spotlight big-data applications are out there? How are datacenter software and hardware abstractions evolving to support big data apps? How has big data changed the role of data stewardship‹not just data security, but data provenance and dealing with noisy data? How are big data apps affected by limitations in energy consumption? What advances have occurred in identifying patterns and even approximate schemas at petabyte scale? How have the provisioning of networking, storage and computing in datacenters had to shift to support these apps?

We ask potential participants to submit a brief technical summary or position, presenting a viewpoint on a controversial topic, a summary of lessons learned, experience with a large or unusual system, an innovative mechanism, an enormous problem looming on the horizon, or anything else that convinces the program committee that the participant has something interesting to say. The submission process is purposely lightweight, but we require each submission to have only a single author.

The workshop is by invitation only and is limited to under 100 participants. The submissions drive both the invitation process and the workshop agenda. Participants may be asked to be part of a presentation or discussion session at the workshop. Students are particularly encouraged to submit.

What to submit:
A 1 page position statement or extended abstract
Optional: the written submission can include a link to one or both of the following as an expanded part of the submission:
Maximum of 3 PowerPoint-type slides
 Maximum 2 minute video presentation ‹can be of you speaking with or without slides, a video demo or other video illustration of your proposed presentation, etc.
  Even if you choose NOT to submit these, the PC may decide to ask you for them later during consideration of submissions.
The length limits will be strictly observed. We won't consider too-long submissions.

How to submit:  Go to http://bit.ly/hpts2013submit

When to submit:  Now would be good. Official deadlines are:
Submission of Papers:  March 11, 2013
Notification of Acceptance:  May 24, 2013
HPTS Workshop:  September 22-25, 2013

Organizing committee:  Pat Helland, Salesforce; Pat Selinger, IBM (General Chair); Shel Finkelstein, SAP; Mark Little, Red Hat

Program committee
Anastasia Ailamaki, EPFL
David Cheriton, Arista Networks/Stanford
Adrian Cockcroft, Netflix
Bill Coughran, Sequoia Capital
Armando Fox, UC Berkeley (Chair)
Sergey Melnik, Google
Adam Messinger, Twitter
Margo Seltzer, Harvard
Wang-Chiew Tan, UC Santa Cruz

Poster session chair
Michael Armbrust, Google

Saturday, January 05, 2013

An update on Pi work

After a few interactions with people on the twitter-verse and writing the blog about building MongoDB for the Pi, I decided that it was probably a good thing to bundle up my distribution of MongoDB for the Raspberry Pi and make it publicly available. So if anyone wants to get it, it's available on github at https://github.com/nmcl/mongo4pi. Enjoy and let me know if you have any issues with it.