Saturday, March 04, 2006

WS-Addressing interoperability fest

We've been taking part in the WS-Addressing interoperability work during the W3C Plenary in Cannes. (We did it remotely, so no nice trips to the South of France for us.)

I produced our first WS-Addressing implementation as part of the Web Services transactions implementation, which we then tested as part of the WS-TX interoperability workshop. But that was the August 2004 version of the specification and things have moved on since then, both with WS-Addressing and our product. So this interoperability event was around the latest Candidate Recommendation from the working group, which required us to change our addressing implementation. Unlike with the Raleigh event, where we shared the effort, this time Kevin had the lion's share of the work to do. It was touch-and-go at times, but it eventually paid off and we demonstrated interoperability with IBM, Microsoft, Sun and WSO2/Apache. There's still a bit more work to do over the next week or so, but it looks like we'll have a pretty good story on the interoperability of the specification, as well as our implementation.

Thanks to everyone who participated from the various companies (within the working group and in testing), and particularly to Kevin!


  1. Anonymous11:47 am

    Well I have to be honest and say that I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, even if it did involve a few sleepless nights (literally) :-)

  2. I know what you mean. No literal sleepless nights, except disturbed dreams with worry ;-) But during the actual event I was pretty energised. Good team work and an even better implementation!

  3. Anonymous6:24 pm

    Congratulations to you Both, that is a great milestone :)

