Saturday, May 16, 2009

The clock is ticking!

Only a few hours left to finish the SOA/ESB book! It'll be a relief to be honest. A lot of time and effort, but it's definitely time to finish it and move on to the next one.


  1. good luck, deadlines keep the mind sharp! ;-)

    Would love to get a signed copy. Can you remember that next time our paths cross and i shove the book under your nose? :-)

  2. I try not to use the word "deadline" in conjunction with this book ;-)

    Sure, I'm always happy to sign books I've written :-)

  3. same here -- can't wait to have this out of the door, ready for the Amsterdam SOA Symposium. I do feel that things fall into place nicely. We just need to get all that feedback worked in :-)

  4. same here of course.
    BTW if you need a reviewer just let me know, I'd be honoured.

  5. Mark - if you need a reviewer...

    If you don't mind complaints about words like "harbour" being misspelled. ;-)
