Thursday, April 09, 2015

Containerless Microservices?

A few weeks ago I wrote about containerless development within Java. I said at the time that I don't really believe there's ever the absence of a container in one form or another, e.g., your operating system is a container. Then I wrote about containers and microservices. Different containers from those we're used to in the Java world, but definitely something more and more Java developers are becoming interested in. However, what I wanted to make clear here is that in no way are microservices (aka SOA) tied to (Linux) containers, whether Docker-based or some other variant.

Yes, those containers can make your life easier, particularly if you're in that DevOps mode and working in the Cloud. But just as not all software needs to run in the Cloud, neither do all services (whether micro or macro) need to be deployed into a (Linux) container. What I'm going to say will be in terms of Java, but it's really language agnostic: if you're looking to develop a service within Java then you already have great tools and 3rd party components to help you get there. The JVM is a wonderful container for all of your services that has had many years of skilled development within it to help make it reliable and perform. It also runs on a pretty much every operating system you can mention today and hardware ranging from constrained devices such as the Raspberry Pi, up to and including mainframes.

In the Java world we have a rich heritage of integration tools, such as Apache Camel and HornetQ. The community has built some of the best SOA tools and frameworks anywhere, so of course Java should be one of the top languages in which to develop microservices. If you're thinking about developing microservices in Java then you don't have to worry about using Linux containers: your unit of failure is the JVM. Start there and built upward. Don't throw in things (software components) that aren't strictly necessary. Remember what Einstein said: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

However, as I said earlier, the Linux container can help you once you've got your microservice(s) up and running. Developing locally on your laptop, say, is unlikely to be the place where you want to start with something like Docker, especially if you're just learning how to create microservices in the first place. (Keep the number of variables to a minimum). But once you've got the service tested and working, Docker and its like represent a great way of packaging them up and deploying them elsewhere.

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