Saturday, April 25, 2015

Microservices and events

I wanted to write more on microservices (SOA) and specifically around reactive, event-orientation. We've heard a lot recently about frameworks such as Vert.x or Node.js which are reactive frameworks for Java, JavaScript and other languages (in the case of Vert.x). Developers are using them for a range of applications but because they present a reactive, event driven approach to building services and applications, it turns out they're also useful for microservices. Therefore, I wanted to give an indication of why they are useful for microservices and when I started to put proverbial pen to paper I found I was repeating a lot of what I'd written about before and specifically when I discussed some of the core reasons behind the future adaptive middleware platform.

Now I'm not suggesting that Vert.x, Node.js or any reactive, event-oriented framework or platform fulfills everything I mentioned in that earlier entry because I don't think they do, at least not today. However, they do represent a good basis from which to build. Of course that doesn't preclude existing architectures and associated software stacks from being used to build microservices. In fact I think a combination of these new approaches and existing mature stacks are the right way to go; with each new generation we learn the mistakes of the past and their successes, building upon the latter and hopefully not reproducing the former.

Unfortunately I'm not going to endorse the reactive manifesto, because I'm not entirely convinced that what's encompassed there really represents much more than good fault tolerance and message-driven architecture. For instance, responsive? I'd like to think that any useful platform should be responsive! I think we should add that to the "bleeding obvious" category. My definition of reactive would include fault tolerant, scalable, reliable, message-oriented (supporting synchronous and asynchronous), self-healing (resiliency is only part of that) and event-driven.

Therefore, when I say that reactive, event-oriented is a good fit for microservices (remember ... SOA) I'm talking about something slightly different than reactive as defined within the manifesto. It's all that and more. We've come a long way since the 1970's and 80's when things were typically synchronous and RPCs were the main paradigm. Even those are event driven if you think about it. But since then synchronous interactions fell out of favour, asynchronous rose in interest and so did event-orientation and associated efforts like CEP. Hopefully given what I wrote in that earlier article it should be fairly obvious what kind of platform characteristics I believe are necessary in the future - microservices is just a good approach that can take advantage of it.

As I said earlier though, I don't believe any implementation today really embodies where we need to be. There's a lot we can leverage from the past decades of enterprise software development but there is more work to be done. For instance, we hear a lot about asynchronous systems where in reality what most people are talking about is synchronous interactions performed by a separate thread to the main application (business logic) thread of control; there are known time bounds associated with work or interactions, even in a distributed environment. If we really want to talk about true asynchronous interactions, and I believe we do, then we are looking at unbounded interactions, where you simply do not know when a message is overdue. That causes a number of problems, including failure detection/suspicion (timeouts are a favourite way of trying to determine when a machine may have failed and now you can't use time as a factor), and distributed consensus, which has been proven to be unsolvable in an asynchronous environment.

Of course these may seem like purely theoretical or academic problems. But think about the kinds of environments we have today and which are growing in applicability: cloud, mobile, internet of things with sensors, gateways etc. These are inherently asynchronous, with unpredictable interaction patterns and message exchanges. Whilst synchronous or multi-threaded asynchronous may be a good stop-gap approach, it will inevitably present scalability and resiliency problems. True asynchronous, with all of the problems it represents, is the ultimate goal. But we're not there yet and it's going to take time as well as recognition by developers that further research and development is a necessity.

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